Территория заповедника "Денежкин Камень" закрыта для посещения туристами. |
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Forest typesThere are three main vertical vegetative zones on the slopes of Denezhkin Kamen and the Main Ural Ridge: (1) mountainous taiga, (2) sub-alpine park-like forests, and (3) alpine tundra. Forest covers 89.9 % of the preserve territory. The main forest types of the mountainous taiga zone are: (1) dark coniferous, Scotch pine forests (Pinus sylvestris), (2) birch forests (Betula pendula and B. tortuosa) and (3) mixed forests. The dark coniferous forest type is represented by Siberian pine (P. sibirica), fir (Abies sibirica), and spruce (Picea obovata). The dominant herbaceous plants of the mountainous taiga zone include red billberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), blackberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) and mosses. Most of the dark coniferous forests of “Denezhkin Kamen” are climax and have not experienced serious human disturbances. The sub-alpine forest is represented by many of the same species as the mountainous taiga, but has many openings and small alpine meadows, bare rock zones, and lichen patches. In addition, unique pure Siberian pine stands can be found in this zone, as well as stands of tamarack (Larix sibirica). The sub-alpine zone contains the most diversity of succession stages. The tundra zone is a mosaic of lichen tundra, grass and sedge tundra, brush tundra and rock fields. |
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