Территория заповедника "Денежкин Камень" закрыта для посещения туристами. |
Denezhkin Kamen PreserveOne of the most comprehensive attempts at biodiversity conservation in Russia and the former Soviet Union has been the establishment of an extensive network of protected natural areas. The categories are:
Among all types of protected areas in Russia, zapovedniks are most successive in protection of biodiversity on ecosystem level. The zapovednik, is a specially protected natural territory that excludes all forms of management, even general visiting), in order to preserve its indigenous complexes in their untouched natural state. At the same time, a zapovednik is an institution designed not just for the conservation of its territory but also for study. Combination of four features of the zapovednik system distinguishes it from most protected natural areas in the world.
Federal Nature Preserve "Denezhkin Kamen" is one of the 101 preserves of the Russian Federal System of Nature Protection Areas. The total area of the preserve has varied over time. When it was first created in 1946, zapovednik “Denezhkin Kamen” encompassed an area of 121,800. In 1951, the area of the zapovednik was reduced to 35,349 ha, but was later expanded up to 146,719 ha in 1959. During the 1960’s the government began eliminating zapovedniks and in 1961 zapovednik “Denezhkin Kamen” was liquidated. During this period, the territory was managed by a federal forestry organization that harvested timber (over 1% of the area) and permitted hunting, as well as well as berry and pine-nut harvesting. In 1991, zapovednik “Denezhkin Kamen” was reestablished and currently covers a total area of 80 000 ha. |
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